The repetitive actions needed for knitting and crochet can bring the mind and body to a state called a "relaxation response" that is quite similar to what people experience with techniques such as repetitive prayer, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, and other relaxation disciplines. Research at the Harvard Medical School Mind/Body Institute has found that when an individual is crocheting (or knitting) his/her heart rate can drop 11 beats a minute and his/her blood pressure drops as well. These results can have significant health benefits for people who knit and crochet. Therefore, I am a man who crochets. I design my own crochet and sell patterns and finished projects.
Hey Gene,
I like it too!!!
I take it the pattern's on it's way soon right? ;-)
This hat was made from the O.G. pattern in Hip Hats and Cool Caps. I just reformed the crown to my taste.
Hi, what a beautiful things you do. I liked much. I will take ur link with me, if u dont mind ? Kiss
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