
Tip enjoying her new bed

Tip enjoying her new bed
Originally uploaded by CrochetDad
This is Tip - our last remaining cat from a litter of strays. Our daughter Ciera started feeding her mother (a stray she named Snowball) many years ago, and she took to sleeping in our garage when she became pregnant - Ciera insisted we leave the garage door open a crack to let her in when she wanted. Of course, she gave birth in our garage to six kittens. We found nice homes for three of them, and kept the others.

I named this one "Tip" because of the white tip at the end of her tail. She turned eight years old this year, and now she's the only one we have left.

We recently redecorated our home, which, of course included the bedroom - with new paint, and furniture including a new comforter for the bed cover. Since the cats had the habit of sleeping on our bed (whether we were in it or not) my wife insisted on a cat bed on top of the comforter to reduce the amount of hair left behind.

Anyway, here she is, totally relaxed in her new bed.

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