
9-pointed Popcorn Round Ripple Afghan Pattern

I've been active on Crochetville for a few months now, joined a few CALs (Crochetalongs to the uninitiated). One of the CALs was for making Round Ripples, which are easier than they look. Anyway, after making a few RRs, I wanted something different, so I designed my own version. It was received very well by the members of Crochetville and it was requested I write down how I did it. The result is my very first attempt at selling at crochet pattern.

You can see the the afghan (and buy the pattern) at my Etsy Store. The pattern is the only thing there as I write this, but if it goes well, I intend to add more items for sale soon.


First Post!

Well, I did it - I started a blog. I'm not sure why, though. I've never done a diary or a journal. We'll see where this leads.